Sunday, June 10, 2012


Today I went hiking in the Tidbinbilla Nature Reserve (not totally sure I spelled that correctly).  It turns out Canberra is one of the best places to see Kangaroos, and that certainly proved to be the case.  It was a fantastic day for hiking, nice and cool (although everyone from here complained about how cold it was).

The Kangaroos are really overpopulated I guess, and so the Australians aren't very impressed by them at all, but I thought they were really awesome.  The trails we hiked were very well travelled so the Kangaroos seemed very docile and let us get up quite close. 

Full disclosure:  This was part of a date that I set up on the internet.  The girl (Sarah) is very nice!

This guy was standing right on the path and wouldn't let us pass.

I was maybe 10 feet away from this guy.  We had a staring contest.  I lost.

Action shot.

Tidbinbilla Nature Preserve (this is where we were)


  1. Cute critters! I bet they don't know they are Aussie icons, though. Mom

  2. They were totally giving you the stare down! Watch out for 'em. Other than that, they're really cute! =)

  3. Apparently they make kangaroo jerky the same way people here make deer jerky. Something to keep in mind! Wow those guys can jump like a bunny.. but bigger.

  4. How exotic! That was really cool. Do the kangaroos make any noise? Even their jumping seemed pretty quiet. Are they dangerous?

  5. I guess some of the bigger ones can rip your guts out like a Velociraptor, but these didn't seem too bad... but that's why I was a bit wary of them.

  6. They do sorta move like raptors. Maybe they're related. Or more likely, convergent evolution. But that's not as fun. I think next up you should pet some box jellyfish and wrestle with a crocodile. Cuz that's what a man would do.
